
Motivation The weakest motivation is money. People and businesses that are motivated only by money are not successful in the long term. A primary cause of failure is motivation based on money. The scale of motivation from the highest to the lowest is thus duty, followed by personal conviction and personal gain and lastly, money. Money […]

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Peaceful revolution

Peaceful revolution PEACEFUL REVOLUTION AND/OR SELF-CONFIDENCE Someone said that peaceful revolution is an oxymoron, a contradiction in itself. I did not object. The fact that people operate with false information has been confirmed numerous times. I occasionally ask myself if it’s possible to find a reply in imagination or in the knowledge that must be […]

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Korupcija in management

KORUPCIJA SLOVENSKIH MANAGERJEV 21.6.2013 Novice Združenja Manager in revija MQ predstavljata moje najljubše strokovno branje v Sloveniji. Prispevek, ki sem ga ravnokar prebral, mi je dal idejo, da napišem kako slovenske managerje vidijo navadni ljudje in poslovneži v tujini oziroma tam, kjer se trenutno nahajam, s katerimi se trudim skleniti posle, da bi si zagotovil […]

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