Enhance your own growth and that of your company.

Business and personal consulting

Business consulting is an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial journey. The fields, such as HR and production and, in particular, sales, marketing and managerial competences, contribute the most to the growth of a company. Our clients attain exceptionally high results in all fields of business operations, especially sales and organisation of the entire company structure.

From the establishment to business growth

Company establishment and sale

We’re proud of our achievements. More than 350 clients whom I helped to start a business in Slovenia have generated more than EUR 106,000,000 since 2007.

Establishment of a company abroad

Do you want to try your luck abroad? But you’re not sure which country would be most suitable? We’ve helped establish companies in the following countries: Serbia, North Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany and Austria. Send a query for countries that are not on the list.

Operational assistance to companies

Acquisition of documents and permits

Business licences, work and residence permits, certificates of professional competence, validation of diplomas and documents issued abroad, professional examinations, etc.

Services needed for business operations: accountancy, office rental, insurance of commerical loss and vehicles, recruitment and job interviews (selection and assessment of candidates), certified translation of documents, etc.

Courses and seminars

Sales closing

We’ll introduce a sales procedure that guarantees success. Learn the basic rules of a successful sale. At our seminars and courses, you’ll learn about how to organise sale in your company, which will increase your growth significantly.

Company organisational structure

Organisational structure is the foundation of a successful company. Our organisational structure includes all the elements of good organisation, i.e. management, HR, marketing and sales, finance, production, quality management, PR and business expansion departments.

Sales closing seminars and training courses

Closing involves a strategy that expands from the beginning to the end of a sale. We’re dedicated to make you a master of sales closing.

Do you want as many as 80% of your sales interviews to be successful? Closing means that a client buys a service/product and leaves their money with you. Being a salesperson is a great profession, as there’s almost no upper limit in terms of earning. If using a sales closing system, it’s possible to sell a limitless amount of products and services if there’s demand in the market.

Closing is a strategy

We’ll teach you how to draw the attention of clients and obtain sufficient consent during an interview, so that a client will buy your product and put their money in your hands. Our clients think that our seminars are practical and discuss real life situations and problems in the market. What you learn can be efficiently and immediately put into practice. Either in your work or private life.

Management academy

How can a company manager become overburdened?


In the chaos of yesterday’s tasks and obligations, they lose sight of their present objectives.

Have you ever worked on a complicated project and asked yourself at one point, “Does the company work for me, or do I work for the company?”

To actually work on what’s important for you, and not on everything that lands on your desk, focus on planning.>

Suitable planning and organisation are the key to a sufficient company.

Such planning and organisation differ from those that you’ve utilised in the past.

They involve new tools that haven’t been used in Slovenia before.

There’s no such thing as too great or too fast growth.

There’s only a lack of ORGANISATION.

Personal consulting

How to increase personal effectiveness?

Different approaches increase personal effectiveness, either regarding time and stress management, or when organising all areas of life that have a direct and indirect impact on the entrepreneur’s personal and professional life and growth.

How can a company’s organisational structure (ORGB) help us organise our time and lives?

How can a "simple course" and the right data affect our own cognition and change our behavioural patterns?

How can I use online courses to improve my field of interest? Sign up for our online courses. Call us.


The field of finance is closely related to personal efficiency and satisfaction. The end product of our creativity is linked with financial freedom, but it’s necessary to know the correct approach to company management, which is reflected in the field of finance with the objective to attain financial stability and security. With a special focus on this field, we’ve engaged experts on personal and business finance.

Business clubs

SBC or the Slovenian Business Club combines 450 of the largest companies in Slovenia. As the SBC ambassador for North Macedonia , I can help you establish business connections in this country.

Rotary clubs

Zgornji Brnik Rotary Club is my club. Which is yours? Are you familiar with its mission?
