Unlock your potentials with the help of personalised advice.
Comprehensive approach to personal development and growth of your business.
All your ideas can be realised through creativity in entrepreneurship.
- Consulting services in the fields of language solutions, organisational structure and sales, and the maintenance of excellent physical and mental wellbeing.
Welcome to my website
Language solutions
We are language specialists. We help you earn more money.
A mere translation of a text no longer suffices. Participation in foreign markets and translation of technical texts require professional language solutions.
Consulting, courses and seminars
At our seminars, you’ll learn a completely new approach to sales. A correct sales approach ensures a multiple increase in the number of clients and concluded business deals.
How can a company grow? Are you wondering about where and how to start a company and open a branch or a subsidiary abroad?
Alphabet of excellent wellbeing
If you stop taking care of yourself, your mind and body will stop taking care of you. After almost ten years in the army, twenty years in entrepreneurship and many years of hard work, I have experienced the good and bad sides of wellbeing while performing managerial functions. I couldn’t have done it without sports and food supplements.
More than 25 years of experience in language solutions as translators, court interpreters, proofreaders, revisers and editors. Rental of interpreting equipment, translation tools and related services.
More than 30 years of experience in management, HR, conducting business at home and abroad, sale, sales processes and organisational structure of a company from the establishment to growth in all company departments.
More than 28 years of experience in the field of physical and mental wellbeing and maintaining a balance between professional and private life.
Rainbow Cup of Health awarded by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.
Language solutions
Translation and interpreting
Language solution specialists. We help you earn more money. We annually translate several million words.
Service planning
A mere translation of a text no longer suffices. Participation in foreign markets and translation of technical texts require professional language solutions.
Artificial intelligence
Are you interested in optimising language solutions and want AI to replace translators? Is that even possible? We have experience in AI that we want to share with you.

Business consulting and courses
From the establishment to business growth
How to grow your business? Are you wondering about where and how to start a company and open a branch or a subsidiary abroad?
Courses and seminars
At our seminars, you’ll learn a completely new approach to sales. A correct sales approach ensures a multiple increase in the number of clients and concluded business deals. What’s more, we’ll help you organise all departments in the company and teach you how to employ flawlessly. You’ll be surprised at the efficacy of the organisational structure.
Personal efficiency
Personal growth and efficiency are the foundations of every society and company. An individual’s stability foretells the strength of a company. Their readiness to tackle various challenges which are frequently unpleasant guarantees the future of not only the company, but sometimes of the entire industry.

Alphabet of excellent wellbeing
Excellent physical and mental wellbeing
If you stop taking care of yourself, your mind and body will stop taking care of you.
Food supplements
After ten years in the army, twenty years in entrepreneurship and many years of hard work, I have experienced the good and bad sides of wellbeing while performing managerial functions. I couldn’t have done it without sports and food supplements.
Quantum measurements
Human body consists of millions of cells that constantly evolve, renew and regenerate. All cell activities emit electromagnetic waves, the frequency (resonance) of which can be measured scientifically.

posnamemo (vsebina) ovo je sadržina samo za film…
Ideja o vzpostavitvi podjetja je nastala že leta 1997, ko sme prvič stopil na podjetniško pot in zaposlil tri sodelavce. Kasneje se je zgodba fokusirala na prevajalske storitve, s katerimi smo v zadnjih 18 letih naredili preboj na področju kakovosti za najbolj zahtevne naročnike. Pred vsem smo ponosni na dejstvo, da smo v teh letih za Vlado RS prevedli preko 150.000 strani zakonodaje. Za največja slovenska podjetja pa smo prevajali najbolj zahtevne projekte. Naša statistika kaže, da smo v teh letih največkrat prevajali v tuje jezike, kar je za vsaj 50% bolj zahtevno, kot bi delali vse prevode, revizije, redakcije v slovenski jezik.
Povezane storitve in dejstvo, da smo prevajalci vedno v stiku z najrazličnejšimi področji omogoča, da se tudi specializiramo za določena področja. Tako sem se specializiral za področje gospodarstva in poleg prevajalskih storitev, pred vsem tujim strankam leta 2007 ponudil storitve poslovnega svetovanja. Od tega leta do danes sem ustanovil preko 350 podjetij, tako domačim kot tujim strankam. Od ustanovitve do danes so vse moje stranke v Sloveniji naredile preko 106.000.000 evrov prometa. Ponosen sem na dejstvo, da so vse moje stranke poslovale dolgoročno, da je bilo zelo malo zaprtih podjetij in da je promet, ki šteje več kot 100 milijonov evrov, pravzaprav ogledalo dobrega svetovalnega pristopa. Pravzaprav smo prevajalci enciklopedije, zato nas je dobro izkoristiti za nasvete na različnih področjih življenja.
Dobro počutje in odlična kondicija pa je nekaj, kar nas spremlja vse skupaj. V zadnjih 28 letih bi brez športa bore malo naredil. Šport in prehrana sta dimenzija, ki me spremljata ves čas mojega življenja, ki mi je omogočila, da preživim najtežje trenutke podjetništva. Moja prepričanost v pregovor »v zdravem telesu, zdrav duh« me je pripeljala do projekta svetovanja na področju ohranjanja dobrega fizičnega in mentalnega počutja, ki sem ga poimenoval ABC-eda dobrega počutja. Odlične performanse lahko zagotovi samo pravilen pristop k razvoju mentalnega in fizičnega zdravja.
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